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Destroy the Nature
Many years later, nature met a young woman, who wore a boxy thing on her waist. Nature followed her curiously, and asked excitedly, "What is this?" The woman turned her head with a slight smile, "Do you want me to take a set of photos for you? This beautiful lady."
“当然可以了!” 自然虽然不知道照片是什么,但还是高兴的说。可当自然看到照片中的自己时,她却一下子愣住了。溪流里满是塑料袋和易拉罐,原本清澈的溪流变得棕黑,仿佛能闻到一股臭味儿。
"Of course!" Although nature didn't know what the photos were, she said happily. But when nature saw herself in the photo, she was stunned. The stream is full of plastic bags and cans, and it turns brown and black as if it sends out a foul smell.
"No," nature fell to the ground and cried, "I'm not like this, I was so beautiful before..."
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