• 核心教师团队介绍

  • 刘老师

    香港大学建筑学硕士,新加坡国立大学项目交换硕士,参与了2022年北京冬奥会国家极限运动中心的设计工作,协助中国银行、建筑事务所及其他组织进行工业旅游研究与发展、传统村落保护、度假村规划,及智能设计等工作。荣获2019年亚洲设计奖优秀奖,Q Village国际学生建筑竞赛优秀奖,第四届“荣盛杯”结构设计大赛一等奖,中国江苏大学生结构创新大赛三等奖,建筑摄影比赛二等奖。拥有丰富的理论与实践经验,及敏锐的观点与洞察表现能力。

  • Tamee香港授课指导老师

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    Dr. Liu has been committed to realizing the UN-SDGs for many years, promoting technology import and transfer under the multilateral cooperation platform of the UNIDO. She has also involved in promoting global inclusive and sustainable industrial innovation and development, global environmental protection, as well as helping the development of green energy and carbon neutralization. In 2021, she successfully hosted the 5th Global Science and Technology Innovation Conference and the 1st Carbon Neutral Action Learning Conference, which has received high attention and participation from the international community, governments and institutions.